
Showing posts from April, 2021

[New post] ‘Can You Imagine How That Felt?’: Blake Bailey’s Predations, As Told By His Students

Seyward Darby posted: "Blake Bailey's 900-page biography of Philip Roth had been on shelves a matter of days when women began stepping forward to accuse Bailey of sexual assault, harassment, and grooming. Bailey, who has denied the allegations, was quickly dropped by his litera" New post on Longreads 'Can You Imagine How That Felt?': Blake Bailey's Predations, As Told By His Students by Seyward Darby Blake Bailey's 900-page biography of Philip Roth had been on shelves a matter of days when women began stepping forward to accuse Bailey of sexual assault, ha...

[New post] The Top 5 Longreads of the Week

Longreads posted: "This week, we're sharing stories from Nicole Lewis, Omayra Issa and Ify Chiwetelu, Patricia McCormick, Tobias Buck, and 'Cúagilákv. Sign up to receive this list free every Friday in your inbox. 1. How We Survived Covid-19 in Prison Nicole Lewis | T" New post on Longreads The Top 5 Longreads of the Week by Longreads This week, we're sharing stories from Nicole Lewis, Omayra Issa and Ify Chiwetelu, Patricia McCormick, Tobias Buck, and 'Cúagilákv. Sign up to receive this list free every Friday in your inbox. 1. How We Survived Covid-19...

[New post] All Flourishing Is Mutual

Carolyn Wells posted: "In this beautiful piece for Hakai, 'Cúagilákv (Jess Housty) talks about the importance of the salmonberry bush, whose fruit has nourished generations of her family. It is through salmonberries that the Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) children first learn about the co" New post on Longreads All Flourishing Is Mutual by Carolyn Wells In this beautiful piece for Hakai , 'Cúagilákv (Jess Housty) talks about the importance of the salmonberry bush , whose fruit has nourished generations of her family. It is through salmonberries that the Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) chil...

[New post] You Robbie, You Baka

brian_trapp posted: "Brian Trapp| Longreads | April 2021 | 26 minutes (7,917 words)   At the request of the families involved, some names in this essay have been changed to protect privacy. It includes depictions of bullying and cruelty and contains language that som" New post on Longreads You Robbie, You Baka by brian_trapp Brian Trapp | Longreads | April 2021 | 26 minutes (7,917 words)   At the request of the families involved, some names in this essay have been changed to protect privacy. It includes depictions of bullying and cruelty and contains language that some ...